3 Levels of Advice: Simple, Scientific, Salient

(A relatively simple model) We can analyse 3 types of truths in the context of giving advice, which increase with the degree of effort and personal responsibility on the part of the advice giver, and also increase in the degree of personal relevance and emotional impact on the part of the advice receiver. 1. A […]
39 Famous “Failures” To Inspire Success

A list worth putting in your pocket. Oprah was fired from her first job as a television news anchor. Steve Jobs was fired from Apple in 1985. Walt Disney was fired from the Kansas City Star because the editor felt he “lacked imagination and had no good ideas.” Marie Condo struggled to find clients early […]
Squiggle Badly in the Rain

Business can make people pretty grim and serious. It happens to everyone. When it happens, what process can we implement to be … not so grim? According to The Dictionary of Words I Made Up Just Now, “De-grimming” is defined as “the activity of reconnecting zombies in suits with the pure joy of making paper […]
Why I Bought 50 Books Worth $1,373.07

Business can get incredibly messy and convoluted. Spreadsheets, timesheets, tax, quotas, KPIs, checklists, quality controls, and the many joys of technology. The complexity is endless. And a business can still fail. In fact, most do. Within 10 years, most businesses are dead, down, or drowning. Why? Let’s strip away the jargon. Most businesses fail for […]
Our Terrifying Tuesday Team Exercise

Every Tuesday, everyone in our office gathers around the boardroom table for our weekly team meeting. Every Tuesday in this very same meeting, we do a terrifying team exercise. Starting with one person (typically chosen at random), we go around the group in a circle, either clockwise or counter-clockwise (also picked at random), from the […]
The most important concept… ever?

This post is about the big bad, mother-of-all wisdom, one ring to rule them all, deep blue sea truths at the core of business and life (not to hype it up or anything). The 80/20 Rule. It’s also known as the 80/20 Principle, the Pareto Principle, a Pareto distribution, and the Law of the Vital […]
What, Oh What, is a Sales Funnel?

Let’s talk about one of the most important (and possibly most confusing) concepts in marketing. The Sales Funnel. It’s also known as the marketing funnel, purchase funnel, or conversion funnel. A quick Google search of “sales funnel” reveals many, many versions. A long Google search reveals companies have experimented with this model a lot. Yet, […]