Google My Business allows you to grant access to other users so you can share your data with them. Our SEO team may ask to be granted access to your Google My Business account. Granting access is the most secure way to share your site’s data without having to share your login details.
How To add a manager to a listing
Step 1. Sign in to Google My Business.
If you have multiple locations, open the location you’d like to manage.
Click Users from the menu.
Step 2. In the top right corner, click the “Add User”
Step 3. Enter the name or email address of the user you’d like to add.
Step 4. Select the user’s role by choosing Owner, Manager, or Communications manager. In our scenario we would want manager level access.
7. Click Invite. Invitees will have the option to accept the invitation and immediately become listing managers.
This window displays all active owners and managers, as well as people who have been invited to become owners or managers.
When an invitation is accepted, the owners of the listing will be notified via email. All users in the account can view the names and email addresses of the owners and managers of the listing.
That’s it! Now you know how to add a user to Google Search Console. Google My Business